Calibration services


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Competences, accreditations and recognitions… What does it all mean and what are the differences?

All these terms are closely related and enable anyone in need of metrology services to understand and choose the right provider within the market.


A competence can be ‘accredited’ or ‘unaccredited’: must all manufacturers have their measuring equipment calibrated (or checked). The requirements of the standard for this service may differ based on the standards of that industry. National and international accreditation bodies are responsible for recognizing the skills of calibration service providers. These accreditation bodies give the service provider an accreditation for a specific skill area within a specific measurement range.


The competencies of laboratory

  • The available skill areas
  • The types of measuring instruments used
  • The services offered – calibration that can be performed in a lab or customer site, and optionally accredited, etc.

Regardless of a service provider’s skills and accreditations, it must meet the standards of the metrology industry. Therefore, the calibration service provider must have a certain number of metrology approvals, which may be mandatory or recommended. These standards generally guarantee that the services provided are safe and of a certain quality.